Lathika International Film & Entertainment Inc.
 Lathika InternationalFilm & Entertainment Inc.

Our current productions include multiple projects to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, a multi=part series on teh History of teh english hymn, and a documnetary on Christians excercising their faith in the God of creation through their grateful stewardship of creation. . iresponding to climate change.  


Current Productions

This ChangeD Everything!

A three-hour special evaluating the Reformation in the context of Jesus' prayer for Unity in the Church. 



The Reformation @500.yrs/   Quo Vadis?

This is a 13-hour series on the Protestant Reformation.  The purpose of the documentary series is not to evoke nostalgia.  Rather, it is designed as a thought-provoking intimate film, invoking a personal response to the Gospel. 

Lift Every Voice!

A series on the history of  hymn- singing in the Church, from the first Song of Miriam to the publication of the New English Hymnal by the Anglican Church,  

And God Created Green!

"AND GOD MADE Green...Gen 2:8" is a documentary about how and why commited Christians of all traditions are invoved in Creation Stewardship



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Copyright: Lathika International Film & Entertaunment Inc. 1993-2015